Food facts

Is Drinking Iced Coffee Everyday Bad For You?

Last Updated on February 6, 2024 by Karen

Iced coffee has become a popular beverage in the modern coffee culture among coffee lovers. But is it bad for your health if you’re drinking iced coffee everyday?

Iced coffee has become a popular beverage in the modern coffee culture among coffee lovers. But is it bad for your health if you drink iced coffee everyday?

The popularity of iced coffee has increased in recent years, and you’ll find variations made with different brewing methods such as drip coffee, cold brew, French press.

I’m a big coffee enthusiast, and there’s nothing I love more than sipping on a glass of refreshing cold coffee on hot summer days. Even though I usually stick with my tried-and-true cold brew coffee (black, no cream, no sugar), sometimes I prefer the specialty iced coffee drinks for a little treat, like these copycat recipes I’ve posted in the past:

Best Starbucks Copycat Irish Cream Cold Brew Recipe

Starbucks Iced Hazelnut Oatmilk Shaken Espresso Recipe

Starbucks Copycat Chocolate Cream Cold Brew

A lot of people ask the question: Is drinking iced coffee everyday bad for you?

The short answer is: No, iced coffee is not a bad beverage when consumed in moderation and with attention to certain factors.

What makes iced coffee “bad” for you?

Iced coffee itself isn’t inherently “bad” for you; it’s often the additives and excessive consumption that can lead to potential health concerns.  Here are some areas you should pay attention to when consuming iced coffee:

  • Added Sugar Content in Iced Coffee: Sweetened syrups, flavored creams, and sugary additives contribute to extra calories and can lead to health problems like weight gain, diabetes, and increased risk of cardiovascular issues.
  • High-Calorie Ingredients in Iced Coffee: Some iced coffee beverages such as iced latte, may contain high-calorie ingredients like whipped cream, whole milk, or excessive amounts of flavorings.
  • Acidity in Coffee: The acidity in coffee, especially when combined with added sugars, can contribute to dental problems like enamel erosion and cavities.
  • Large Portions: Large iced coffee is a pretty standard thing, and it’s hard to find smaller servings of iced coffee due to the added ice cubes. Before you know it, you’ve increased your coffee intake. More cups of coffee, naturally more calories and caffeine.
  • Dehydration: Iced coffee, like any other caffeinated beverage, has diuretic properties, which can lead to a loss of fluids from the body. As a result, consuming iced coffee may contribute to temporary dehydration.
  • Excessive Caffeine Consumption: Some people may be more affected by the amount of caffeine in iced coffee, leading to health issues such as increased heart rate (sometimes causing feelings of restlessness or jitteriness), disrupted sleep, insomnia, problems with the digestive system, such as acid reflux or upset stomach, increase blood pressure, and withdrawal symptoms or negative side effects (headaches, irritability, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating) when stopping or having less caffeine intake.

The “bad” aspects of iced coffee are often due to the added sugars, high-calorie ingredients, excessive caffeine, and uncontrolled portions. Making informed choices about what you add to your iced coffee and being mindful of overall intake can help mitigate these potential health concerns.

Iced coffee has become a popular beverage in the modern coffee culture among coffee lovers. But is it bad for your health if you drink iced coffee everyday?

What are some ways to make iced coffee “better” for you?

To make iced coffee healthier, you can incorporate some simple modifications to your preparation method and ingredients. Here are some tips to make iced coffee “better” for you:

  • Choose Quality Coffee: Brew your iced coffee using high-quality, freshly ground coffee beans for better flavor and a higher antioxidant content. When you drink good coffee, you really don’t need to drink a lot to feel satisfied.
  • Control Sugar Intake: Opt for unsweetened or lightly sweetened options to control sugar intake. Gradually decrease the amount of sugar you add until you can enjoy your coffee with little to no sweetener. You’ll notice in my coffee recipes, I’ve often shared sugar-free options, such as sugar-free flavored syrups and alternative sweetener such as stevia and monk fruit.
  • Use Lighter Milk Alternatives: Using lighter milk alternatives reduces the overall calorie and saturated fat content of your iced coffee. Opt for skim milk, almond milk, oat milk, or other low-calorie alternatives.
  • Experiment with Flavorings: Enhance the flavor of your iced coffee with natural ingredients rather than sugary syrups. Using ingredients like cinnamon, vanilla extract, or a dash of cocoa powder can be a great way to enhance the flavor of your iced coffee without added calories.
  • Watch Out For “Hidden” Calories: When ordering drinks at coffee shops, be mindful of the add-ins or common iced coffee garnishes, such as whipped cream topping, sprinkle of chocolate shavings, and drizzle of caramel. All of these add up in calories!
  • Control Portion Sizes: Controlling the portion size of your iced coffee helps manage calorie intake and caffeine levels. Be mindful of the amount of coffee and additional ingredients you use. Opt for smaller serving sizes when possible.
  • Stay Hydrated: Balance the diuretic effects of caffeine by staying well-hydrated with water throughout the day. While coffee can be a part of your fluid intake, it shouldn’t be the only source of hydration. Drink plenty of water alongside your iced coffee to maintain hydration levels.
  • Try the Cold Brew Brewing Method: Consider making iced coffee using cold brewing by steeping coffee grounds in cold water, or use storebought cold brew concentrate mixed with hot water. Cold brew coffee has become really popular in recent years, and for good reason. Cold brew coffee tends to have less acidity and smoother (compared to the standard hot-brewed coffee), making it a gentler option for some individuals. Check out my fool-proof overnight cold brew coffee recipe here – it really makes the best iced coffee!
  • Consuming Iced Coffee Earlier in the Day: Enjoy your iced coffee in the morning or early afternoon, and avoid caffeinated beverages close to bedtime, in order to avoid potential sleep disturbances from caffeine.
  • Balance with Protein: Combining your iced coffee with protein-rich snacks can create a more balanced and satisfying option. Pair your coffee with snacks like yogurt, nuts, or a protein bar for sustained energy.
  • Explore Decaf Options: Ask for decaf options if you don’t need to extra caffeine and simply like the taste of coffee. Even if you don’t see decaf regular coffee on the menu, you can ask if they can make decaf espresso shots. I’ve discovered that a lot of coffee shops are able to pull decaf espresso shots, which means you can enjoy the espresso-based coffee drinks or iced Americano without the caffeine.

Is iced coffee good for weight loss?

Iced coffee itself does not inherently lead to weight loss, but it can be a part of a weight management strategy. Here are some considerations:

  • Caffeine may have a mild appetite-suppressant effect, leading to a temporary reduction in hunger. While this effect is temporary, having a cup of iced coffee between meals might help some individuals manage their appetite.
  • The caffeine in coffee can slightly boost metabolism and increase the oxidation of fatty acids, potentially contributing to lower body weight.
  • Caffeine can enhance physical performance by increasing energy levels and promoting the breakdown of body fat for energy. Some people consume iced coffee before a workout for an energy boost and potentially enhance exercise performance.

Iced coffee has become a popular beverage in the modern coffee culture among coffee lovers. But is it bad for your health if you drink iced coffee everyday?

What are some potential benefits of drinking iced coffee everyday?

Now for the good news. Regular consumption of coffee in moderation has been associated with several potential health benefits, thanks to its rich array of bioactive compounds. Here are some of the possible health benefits of coffee:

  • Antioxidant Properties: Coffee is a rich source of antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress in the body. Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
  • Energy Boost and Improved Mental Alertness: Iced coffee contains caffeine, a natural stimulant that can provide a quick energy boost. Caffeine helps enhance alertness and concentration, combating fatigue and potentially improving overall productivity. Enjoying iced coffee in moderation can be a convenient way to kickstart your day or stay energized during work or study sessions.
  • Reduced Risk of Certain Diseases: Type 2 Diabetes: Some studies suggest that regular coffee consumption may be associated with a lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes. There is evidence that coffee drinkers may have a reduced risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Cardiovascular Health: Heart Health: Moderate coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of certain cardiovascular diseases, including stroke.
  • Lowered Blood Pressure: While the relationship is complex, some studies suggest that coffee may have a mild, short-term effect on reducing blood pressure.
  • Liver Health: Coffee has been associated with a lower risk of liver diseases, including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. It may also help protect the liver from conditions like fatty liver disease.
  • Physical Performance: Caffeine can stimulate the release of adrenaline, potentially improving physical performance by increasing energy levels and breaking down body fat for use as energy.
  • Better Mood: Coffee consumption has been linked to a lower risk of depression and may have mood-enhancing effects, possibly due to its impact on neurotransmitters in the brain.
  • Low in Calories: Plain black iced coffee without added sugars or high-calorie ingredients is low in calories, making it a good choice for those watching their calorie intake.

How much caffeine is in an 8oz serving of iced coffee?

An 8-ounce cup of coffee typically contains around 95 milligrams of caffeine, but may vary depending on the type of coffee.

How much caffeine is safe for a person to drink per day?

The U.S. Dietary Guidelines state that moderate coffee consumption, which includes caffeine from all sources, is associated with health benefits for most adults. Moderate caffeine intake is generally defined as 3 to 5 cups of coffee per day, providing up to 400 mg of caffeine.

While iced coffee can be a refreshing beverage, it’s important to be mindful of its caffeine content, as well as added sugar and calories. Drinking iced coffee every day can be a part of a healthy lifestyle if done in moderation and with attention to the overall composition of the beverage.

Iced coffee has become a popular beverage in the modern coffee culture among coffee lovers. But is it bad for your health if you drink iced coffee everyday?

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